Chocolatey nuget
Chocolatey nuget

chocolatey nuget

Currently, the community repository of Chocolatey features more than 4500 packages, receiving approx. In November 2016, Chocolatey Software, Inc. was formed as as spinoff of RealDimensions Software. (you may as well say “Rob Reynolds”) started developing a package manager based on NuGet. if you are not hyped right now – you may as well leave 🙂 –.Ok, clarification: Chocolatey (short: “choco”) is a package manger for Windows that actually works really well, has loads of packages in the public repo – and you can create packages yourself pretty easily!

chocolatey nuget

The last one isn’ quite right – but, no matter how sweet chocolate is, Chocolate y might be even more delicious!

Chocolatey nuget